Our Mission
Building Quality Custom Homes Since 1966
Keystone’s professional design capability, craftsmanship and the use of quality brand name materials affords every Keystone home buyer maximum livability, style and a solid investment in trouble-free home ownership. Attention to detail and excellent workmanship is your assurance for a lifetime of built-in value that will give every Keystone home buyer satisfaction year after year. Major American material manufacturers supply Keystone the finest building products.
The lumber used is carefully inspected, grade-marked, then cut to precise tolerances for assembly in jigs to assure dimensional and diagonal accuracy. Diagonal stability and rigidity are then “locked-in” with Keystone’s unique sheathing system.
The sheathing system encompasses all framing components (floor-wall-roof systems) to assure superior structural strength and thermal efficiency. Keystone homes are assembled in climate controlled conditions, allowing our craftsmen to utilize modern construction technology to cost-effectively and efficiently build every Keystone home to exact quality standards. In addition, Keystone builds custom homes “on time” and “on budget” year round – working with individual home buyers to schedule the earliest production date possible.